December 10, 2017

3 Exam Prep Tips

     This year, I was incredibly blessed to have all my finals early, so I'm free!! Except I still have an essay to write.. Anyways, I wish I was in Hawaii where this pic was taken but I'm stuck here with all my friends who still are taking their finals so I thought it'd be a good idea to give some tips about what to do right before an exam! 

1. Don't check social media

I remember reading about a Chinese study that reported those who checked social media right before taking a test scored lower than those who didn't. I suspect this has to do with how it can be a distraction and instead of retaining test material, one's thoughts can be occupied with social media content instead. Turn your phone on airplane mode (and silent), settle your mind, gather your thoughts, and stay focused!

2. Have a positive attitude

I know there's nothing more stressful than finals season but this term I actually conducted an experiment testing whether or not emotionally valenced wording had an effect on task performance (translation: does positive/netural/negative wording affect memory test scores) and the results showed that people who read positive and encouraging messages before taking a test achieved on average 8.5% higher than those who read the negative messages!! Basically, be in a good emotional state before taking that exam. Instead of worrying, try to have confidence and think positive thoughts! 

3. Drink water

Your brain and body need to be hydrated! Studies show that drinking water or apple juice can help you recall information better. Obviously don't drink so much that you need to go washroom during the exam but make sure you always have a bottle of water with you when you take a test!

Click here to read more tips about memorization and studying!

Good luck with finals, everyone!! Get them A's, or at least try to pass hahah.


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