October 04, 2017

Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask Review

     Ever since coming back from Asia, my skin has become super dry and I've been in need of a super hydrating product. The Klairs Vitamin E Mask is great because it can be used as a moisturizer and also a sleeping mack. What I like about it is that you don't need to rinse it off after, unlike most other sleeping masks so it's great to use on a plane or when you're travelling. After using this overnight, my skin definitely felt plump and rich. I didn't wake up to glowing skin but it did appear brighter. I could feel the moisture as my makeup applied a lot easier and looked better throughout the day too. Hopefully the more I use this, the more my acne scars will fade.

Tip: pair this with the Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin Drop for extra brightening power!

     One interesting feature about this product is its texture. I've never seen anything like it before. It kind of has this pudding texture but it's innovative in the sense that it has this memory shaping ability. This video explains it better but as you can see there, it makes it easier to adhere to the skin. Plus I love how it comes with a spatula!

Vitamin E (Tocopherol Acetate)
1) Prevents cell aging by keeping the cell membrane from lipid peroxidation.
2) Possesses skin softening properties, and soothes inflammation.
3) Protects skin against damage caused by sunlight.

1) Reduces pigmentation by preventing melanin pigment from migrating to the epidermis.
2) Suppresses sebum secretion, and improves acne caused by oily skin.
3) Helps stabilize vitamin C, having enhanced effects when used with vitamin C.

1) Active ingredient prescribed in maximum dose, to serve the function of improving wrinkles.
2) Strengthens fibroblast proliferation in dermal layer, and promotes collagen synthesis.
3) Possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in wound healing and regeneration.
4) Effectively improves acne caused by oily skin.

You can find this product at Wishtrend and until October 31, you can get a 10% discount using the code "WISHVITE10"!

Don't forget to use my invitation code "2114815012" when you register at Wishtrend to get $5USD off! After you make an account, go to "My Account" --> "Additional Information", and then enter the code at the bottom!


Disclaimer: I am not getting paid to post this. The mask was sent to me but all opinions are 100% honest and my own. The links above are affiliate links which means if you make a purchase, I do make a commission. You don't have to use the links, rather they are there for your convenience but if you do it would help my blog! 😊

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