February 14, 2015

10 Ways to De-Stress

Ah, Grade 12. The year of celebrating, but also the year of university applications. Blegh. Most people say that grade 11 is the hardest year and that you get to relax in grade 12. True, but also not true at the same time. Compared to last year, I am taking easier courses. However, the academic courses that I am taking this year significantly impact my university applications. Term one is already over and I've gotten into 2/5 of my university choices so far so I'm getting pretty lazy hehe but before midterms, oh man was I stressed and usually I'm a pretty chill person. Anyways, here are some ways that I've dealt with stress!

1. Relaaaaax
This may sound easier than it actually is, but just take some time for yourself! Take your mind off whatever's stressing you and do yoga, meditate, or take a power nap. Lying down and thinking about absolutely nothing is definitely calming. Listen to some ocean waves or other meditation music on youtube. Don't forget to do some deep breathing! Additionally, certain scents, such as lavender (proven to help you fall asleep) are used in aromatherapy and spas. Take a whiff and you'll know why!

2. Do a craft
Occupying your hands with repetitive motions, like knitting, can soothe anxiety. Personally, I like origami. One time I spent 3 hours folding stars and didn't even realize the time passing by.

3. Exercise
K I know I'm a lazy butt at times but there are sooooo many benefits of exercising! It boosts your memorization skills and produces endorphins that make you happy. Running and boxing a punching bag are really good ways to vent out your frustrations. You'd be surprised how fast you can run and how powerful of a punch you can pack when you're in the mood. Even going for a late night stroll can calm your thoughts.

4. Look at a pretty picture
Research shows that looking at a serene vacation photo or a loved one instantly relaxes you. Make it your desktop wallpaper for constant alleviation.

5. Pet your pet
Studies also show that petting a furry animal can relieve pain and make you happier so go ahead and cuddle with your pet!

6. Take a shower
I don't know what it is, but just the feeling of water running down your body brings out deep thoughts. It's definitely cheaper and more convenient than travelling across the world to stand under a waterfall hahah

7. Have fun
Meet up with your bff or even do something as simple as spinning on a swivel chair. Get dizzy, stand up, and laugh as you make yourself look drunk.

8. Watch White Chicks
Continuing on with the laughing, watching your favourite comedies can make you forget all about your problems :)

9. Listen to music
I do it everyday and I don't think I'd survive without it. Classical music is especially helpful when studying and slows your heart rate down. For those who find it boring, listen to what my friend has recently gotten into, classical dubstep!

10. Turn off this screen
Like actually. Once you finish reading this, turn off your device and give your eyes at least a 20 second break. Trust me, they'll thank you.

There are sooo many other ways to de-stress in addition to all of these steps! What are some of your favourite methods? Let me know in the comments below!
XO, Melissa

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